Listia is one my favorite site to sell and bid on items for the past few months so let compare eBay to Listia.
- Pros: eBay is well know and get lot of traffic because of that it much easier to sell things.
- If your buying stuff from eBay there wider selection then most sites that are similar.
- Top seller make some serious cash great living but it not easy.
- There rapport system for people can tell who can be a trust sellers as well as buyers.
- Decent Customer service for disputes of any problems.
- Accepting payments with Paypal make it convenient so that good.
- Cons: on the flap side be warn if you making more then $1500 usd in a month you need a business license I believe a person would have to renew that yearly which could cost you up to 500 usd or less it depend on what state you living in.
- Small Entrepreneur if you doesn't fellow there rules you account can be frozen up to 180 days.
- Also would have to pay around $30 i heard more each quarter depend on what your revenue is.
- I feel like the percentage they make you pay for using there platform is get higher every year.
- Selling digital goods depend what it is you can be ban or limited for sometime.
- Cons: listia points can only be used on there platform.
- well it not as well know as some other sites so the selection not as good but none the less you can still find things that are useful that you may want on listia.
- Seller can take up to seven days to send a item or less.
- As a beginner seller you limited to selling items only up to a seven days auction.
- If you would like to sell the product for a long duration a person would have to climb the rank to unlock some perks or use your points.
- Pro: listia because it work on a points system so you earn as much as you want and individuals would not have to worry about being tax.
- looking for auction with free shipping on products so it like the item is free.
- A person can earn points in many ways like watching videos as well as doing tasking and survey.
- course you buying points if don't not sell items to gain points.
- There is a rapport system like and eBay.
- Most digital goods are allows to be sold.
- Customer service is good for disputes of any kind.
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This would help me more then you know i appreciated all my readers whatever you can give thanks.
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