This one of my favorite gpt related to btc i start using the site back in December of 2013 when bitcoin was at it all time high so far.
Basically your clicking ads to get paid in bitcoin.A person or company's can advertise for cheap on there.
Standard Member: Get paid ranging from 0.00135 mBTC and Referral Click 0.00108 mBTC or less.
Premium Member: As high as 0.00269 mBTC and Referral click 0.00215 mBTC or less.
Minimum withdrawal amount is 0.1 mBTC or 0.01 mBTC for Xapo withdrawals and all payments are processed instantly.
Btclicks very easy site to step up payment it not much of minimum withdrawal only equal to about 0.02 usd at the moment.
Navigating though the website is very easy and so far no problem with payments and because a person is get paid in btc there always that chance it could can go up in value.
Responsibility research the ads there being advertising on this btclicks if you choose to invest in one of the site especially the ones that telling you that they can double your bitcoin.
Sometime there few broken links but that don't happen too offend.
Overall rating is 7.5 out of 10 it is because btclicks has a few things that can be improve like more ads for Standard member and less problems with links.

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